Selasa, 06 September 2011

A Moment to Remember

Nito as Mr. Yogi
Devi as Ms.Indi
Anggita as Ms.Fifi
Aini as Larissa Fitriana Dewi (Lis)
Elia as Desi Stefania Idris (Desi)
Tiara as Margareta Ellizabeth (Elli)
Kevin as Eduardo Putra (Edo)
Yunita as Karenina Samanta (Nina)
Setiawan as Roni Kusuma Wijaya (Roni)

Scene 1
In the counsellor’s room, there’s Ellis sitting down while read the newspaper. Then Ms. Fifi, Ms. Indi, and Mr. Yogi enter that room.
Elli               : (look at the door) “Excuse me. I’m Elli. The president of OSIS here. And I have to say welcome to the new teachers. Welcome to SMA Negeri 2 Magelang.”
Ms. Fifi       : (a little shock) “Oh, Hi.. I don’t know there’s a student inside this room. And thank you for your greet. We very excited to teach here.”
Elli               : “Well, you three just come here right? How if I be your tour guide to travel around this school?”

Ms. Indi      : (smile) “That sounds great. But let us introduce ourselves. I’m Miss Indi as the new counsellor.”
Mr. Yogi     : “Hmm.. I’m Mr. Yogi as art teacher. ”
Ms. Fifi       : “I’m Ms. Fifi as a new counsellor too.”
Elli               : “OKAY, Now follow me, please.”
They leave the room..

Scene 2
Nina and Lis walking together. There are Elli and Desi behind.
View steps behind them, there are Roni and Edo.
Lis                : “Where are we going?” (Piercing to Nina)
Nina            : “I don’t know. Elli said that we have to go to the music room. Because our lesson will be hold there.” (undeliberately see Mr. Yogi) “Lis, look.. He is very cute, right? Who is he?”
Lis                : (quite for a while) “I don’t know.”
Elli               : “He is our new art teacher. His name is Mr. Yogi.”
Desi             : “Oh, we are so lucky because we have new teacher like him.”
Nina            : (glum) “Elli, I think I didn’t ask you to tell me who he is. And Desi, I didn’t want to know your opinion about him. So can’t you just shut up?”
Elli               : (distinct) “I didn’t speak to you! That’s my right to say anything from my own lips.”
Desi             : “Well, I didn’t speak to you either.”
Edo              : “Hey, can’t you just relax? Don’t be emotional, guys..”
Nina            : (tease) “You hear that? Just relax..”
Edo              : (smile) “I mean both of you. I’m sick of hearing all of you debate every time.”
Nina            : “She did it first.”
Elli               : (sarcastic) “Please be quite. I don’t want Mr. Yogi hear me debate with you.” (walk away and leave Nina behind)
Nina            : (grumble) “I hate her very much.”
Desi             : (turn around) “She hates you too.”
Nina            : “See, they always make me angry!”
Lis                : “Just relax..” (piercing to Nina)
Nina            : “Okay”
Edo              : “I can’t understand why those girl debate just because Mr. Yogi.”
Roni            : (smile) “Me either. Handsome is not everything, right?”
Edo              : (smile) “Of course that’s not. But why they said that Mr. Yogi is handsome. I think I more handsome than him.”
Roni            : (shock) “You lose your mind.” (walk away from Edo)

Scene 3
Inside the room 
Mr. Yogi     : “Hi kids.. Let me intoduce my self first. I’m Mr. Yogi as your new art teacher. I want you raise your hand when I call your name. Then tell me your nick name. Desi Stefania Idris.”
Desi             : “Desi.”
Mr. Yogi     : “Eduardo Putra.”
Edo              : “Edo.”
Mr. Yogi     : “Karenina Samantha.”
Nina            : “Nina.”
Mr. Yogi     : “Larissa Fitriana Dewi”
Lis                : “Lis.”
Mr. Yogi     : “Margaretha Ellizabeth.”
Elli               : “Elli, Sir.”
Mr. Yogi     : “Oh, that’s you, Ell. Sorry I didn’t recognize you.
Elli               : “No problem Mr. Yogi.” (Nina glanced a shock because Elli know Mr. Yogi)
Mr. Yogi     : “OKAY, Hmm.. Next.. Roni Kusuma Wijaya.”
Roni            : “Roni.”
Mr. Yogi     : (shrug) “I don’t know how to start this meeting. Hmm.. I called you to come here because I read about your reputation. Each of you are able to play one music instrument, right?”
Elli               : (interrupt) “Wait. I can’t play any music instrument, Sir.”
Edo              : “And I’m able to play all the music instrument in this room.”
Mr. Yogi     : “Oh, Elli, but you have great voice. And sorry Edo, I don’t know you can play all of this stuff.”
Nina            : (sullen) “My voice is better than Elli, Sir.”
Mr. Yogi     : “Oh, really? Sorry, ehmm.. what’s you name?”
Nina            : “Nina.”
Mr. Yogi     : “Nina, sorry, but I don’t know it either.”
Nina            : “I can prove it to you.”
Mr. Yogi     : “I’d love to.”
Nina            : “Give me that microphone, Sir, please.”
Mr. Yogi     : “What? No no no. It will be a pleasure, but not now. I have to give you all an announcement first.”
Elli               : (sardonic smile) “It will be better if we don’t hear Nina sing at all, Sir.”
Nina            : (grumble) “How dare you.”
Mr. Yogi     : “Stop girls! OKAY, everyone, listen to me. Our school’s band is be banned 6 years ago because they didn’t win any championship and just waste school’s budget to buy expensive music instrument. But I really hope we can win the band contest next month. So we have to work hard from now.”
Desi             : “Wait, you mean all of us will be a band? Sorry Sir, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
Lis                : “Yes, Sir. We have to pass the final National Examination about 2 months from now. I don’t think that we could handle that contest too.”
Edo              : “I support your idea, Sir. It will be pleasure for me to win that contest.”
Roni            : (smile) “Me too. That will be fun, girls.”
Lis & Desi  : “I’m quit. Excuse me, Sir.” (out of the room)
Mr. Yogi     : “Hey, wait.”
Elli                  : “I’m so sorry, Sir. But both of them are so scared about the National Examination. They can’t handle any other assigment. And, sorry Sir, but I agree with them.” (followed Lis & Daisy)
Mr. Yogi     : “But...” (look at Edo, Nina & Roni) “Sorry, I have to go now. You can back to the class.” (ran away)
Nina            : “Wait Sir. I support you. Sir..”
Edo              : “Let’s go.”

Scene 4
Mrs. Indi & Mrs.Fifi speak in front of classroom
Mrs. Fifi     : “Morning class”.
Students    : “Morning.”
Mrs.Indi     :” Last week we spent our time with ‘introducing part’. Now,  we as your new concelor want to  know about you, more than you told us.
Besides, we want you to share your problem with us. So, we can help you to solve these problem before National Examination & you will not get frustration & be ready to pass the National Examination.”
Mrs.Fifi      : “So,you divided into 8 groups. Each group contain 3 students. Mrs. Indi & I will handle 4 group. For this moment, Elli, Lis & rani will have concultation with me. Nina,edo & Desi with Ms. Indi & the rest, please stay here & fill your Quistioner.”
Mrs. Indi    : “Lets go guys..... Thank you class.....”
Students    : “You are welcome.”

Scene 5
Mrs.indi, Edo, Desi & Nina sit in the park school.
Mrs. Indi    : “Ok, I think this place is comfortable, right!”
Edo              : “This place is great, Mrs. Indi. I can feel relax here.”
Mrs. Indi    : “Good. So, Like I told you in the classroom, I Want to help your problem.
                       Because you have to be fresh if you want to success pass the National Examination”
Nina            : “That’s great idea, Miss. We have so many problems that we can not handle them by ourselves”
Desi             :”It sounds like you have a lot of problem, Nina That,s not the truth right?”
                      Because, you don’t look like someone who have a lot of problems.”
Nina            :”And what actually he looks like?”
Desi             :”Like him”
Edo              :”What?Why me?I don’t have any problem, girls”
Nina & Desi: (similarly)”really?”
Ms. Indi      :(smile)”Well,Edo,I think your friends want to know & help to solveyour problem. So,please ,share it. We will listen carefully.”
Edo              :”But...But...I...(slowly). I love my best friends.”
Desi             :(shock) “ No way!”
Edo              :(shy) “ yes, I love my best friend.”
Desi             : (more shock) “you love Roni,right ? Oh no .. my friend is gay 1”
Edo              : (agape) “ of course not ! I don’t love him ! i’m not a gay !”
Desi             : “well sory , I guess I thought like that because you deserve to.”
Ms.Indi       : “Guys, come on ! Relax okay ? Edo,continue your story .”
Edo              : “well, I love girl who never ever notice me , she just know that i’m her best friend . But actually  i want to be her boy friend . And it maakes me crazy !”
Nina            : (look sad) “that must be painfull”
Edo              : (staring to Nina) “very much .Furthermore,she always tell me whenever she fall in love with another guy”
Desi             : “I guess I know who she is”
Nina            : “Really ? who is she ? “
Ms.Indi       : “I think we should let Edo to decide , he wants to tell her or no”
Edo              : “I don’t have courage to say it .i’m affraid she will just walk away from me”
Ms.Indi       :”Well,you both have been a friend for a long time,right ?”
Edo              : “Yes, but that’s a reason why she want let me to be her boy friend “
Mrs.Indi     : “You want know it until you done it”
Edo              : “So,you mean i should tell her what i feel?”
Ms.Indi       :“You have to.But you can choose the right time .If being with her will break your concentration to pass the National Exaination, don’t do it before you passed the National Examination.”
Edo              :“Okay miss,for a long time I have been crazy thinking about what should I do.But now,you have opened my eyes.”
Ms.Indi       : “You just needed someone to support you and i have done it.”
Edo              : “thank you,miss.Now, who else ? who want to share the problems ? “
Nina            : “me,i think .I have a serious problem with my heart”
Desi             : (be closer to Nina) “what?so,you have heart attack or something ?”
Nina            : No ! (nervous) “ I falling in love with someone much older than me”
Ms.Indi       : (suspicious) “how old is he ? “
Nina            : (thinking for a little while) “ hmm.. I think he is as old as you .But he is very handsome and charming . I just now knew him , but I know that he is my right guy.”
Edo              : “How can you know it ?”
Nina            :” I don’t know , but that’s like ummm.. feeling .”
Ms.Indi       : “Do I know him ?”
Nina            : “Yes you do. Every one in this school know him ,miss .”
Desi             : “that’s obviously.”
Edo              : “Well, he must be.”
Ms.Indi       : (interupting) “well, do you really love him or just impressed with his carm ?”
Edo              : “well, I heart  that before.”
Desi             : “Shut up, Edo !”
Nina            : “Hmm.. but this is real . This is my first love . He makes feel different , he makes me feel special .I always more happy than before if I with him.”
Ms.Indi       : “Have you spent time together ? I mean, just you and him ? “
Desi             : “Oh miss .. of course no ! “
Nina            : “I have miss ..,In canteen .Yesterday , after school while I was eating , he came and ate with me . He is so nice , that’s our sweetest moment .”
Desi             : “Don’t forget something,Nina i was there to too,remember ?”
Nina            : “Well, you was enjoying your food,you didn’t even notice him.”
Desi             : “that’s because he was 3 meters far from us .”
Ms.Indi       : “Hmm .. (thinking) I think you just need to open your eyes and find some other guy.”
Nina            : (confuse) “why ? I thought you would say that love is deserve to fight for.”
Ms.Indi       : (stutter)” Yes. But if we know that it went be real ,what for ?”

In this case , nothing is fight for ,it will be better if you try to find someone else. In the same age like you.
Desi             :”I agree”
Nina            : (sadly) “I will think about it.Now Desi,what’s your problem ?”
Desi             : “Don’t have any.”
Ms.Indi:”Okay,this meeting ends here , Thank you class ..”

Scene 6
Ms. Fifi, Elli, Lis and Ronnie walking to another side of school’s park.
Elli               : (sit down) “I think this place is okay, Miss.”
Ms. Fifi       : (sit down too) “I think so.”
Lis                : (sit next to Elli) “So, why we should tell our problem to you, Miss?”
Ms. Fifi       : (smile) “Well, I am your new concelor now. It’s my job to help you to solve your problem. Specially, you all have pass the National Examination. Stress, even just €a little can be a huge trouble.”
Ronnie       : (frown) “Hmm.. What kind of problem we should tell you?”
Ms. Fifi       : “Can you tell me €anything.”
Lis                : “Okay, but the only problem of mine is the N€ationa€l Ex€amination. I’m stuck.”
Ms. Fifi       : “No problem. We will find your wa€y out.”
Ronnie       : “Well, actually I have the sa€me problem as Lis’s. I can’t find any friend who can teach me all of the lesson.”
Lis                :  “I don’t know that you have a problem with study. I thought you €are the only guy who don’t have that problem. You are smart, don’t you?”
Ronnie       : “Maybe that’s true. But I still need a friend to share, right?”
Ms. Fifi       : “Oh, come on, Lis. Just because he is so smart doesn’t mean he don’t need a friend.”
Lis                : (frown) “Hmm.. Yes, of course, Miss. I’m sorry. ”
Ms. Fifi       : (look at Elli) “Fine, I think now your turn to share your problem, young lady. Please.”
Elli               : (confuse) “Okay, thank you for the opportunity, Miss. But I don’t really know what should I tell you.”
Ms. Fifi       : (smile) “Anything.”
Elli               : “Okay. I don’t care if you sa€y th€at I am the a€nta€gonis role in this ca€se. Or if I’m punished because of wh€at I feel. But I really hate Nina..”
Lis                : (laugh) “That’s obviously.”
Ms. Fifi       : (confuse) “Why?”
Lis                : “Because Elli always lose her popularity if it is compared with Nina’s.”
Ms. Fifi       : (smile) “Oh, Elli.. You don’t have to. You both have your own speciallity.”
Ronnie       : (frown) “Hmm.. Until now, I still can’t figure out why girl always jealous each other.”
Elli               : “Don’t speak like boys didn’t do that!”
Lis                : “Yes. That’s no difference between boy €and girl in this case.”
Ms. Fifi       : “Stop fighting! You are not a kids anymore, right?”
Ronnie       : “Of course, Miss. Besides, I’m not fighting with girls.”
Lis                :  “I don’t know th€at. You €aren’t look like a gentlement.”
Ronnie       : “Maybe you can just be quite.”
Ms. Fifi       : “Oh, come on, guys. Don’t be childish..”
Lis                : (frown) “Hmm.. Miss, I think it’s being a mess. Why we don’t close this meeting and continue it next time? ”
Ms. Fifi       : (shock) “What?”
Elli               : (stand up and walk away) “Okay, thank you, Miss. Bye”
Ms. Fifi       : (look at her students when they leave) “It should be my class. Why they don’t relise that I’am the tea’cher, and they are the students.” (leave)

Scene 7
After school.. 
                         Ms. Indi      : (low tone and cold) “Nina, we have to talk. Now. Follow me.”
Nina            : (confusion, then pulled his hand Indi) “what’s the matter, Miss?”
Ms. Indi      : (only glanced cynical, but trying to be patient) “Just follow me. It won’t be long. But it is very important for me.”

Scene 8
Then they walked.

                   Until the next room a lonely English. The camera shows them sitting.
(long silence)
Ms. Indi      : (sigh. Still hold anger and spoke with a low tone) “I will speak as a woman, not as your young teacher. OKAY?” (Nina glanced)
Nina            : (more confused but still nod)
Ms. Indi      : (paused) “Stay away from Yogi.”
Nina            : (shock) “What?”
Ms. Indi      : “He is my fiancé.”
Nina            : (more shock) “No way! You lie to me.”
Ms. Indi      : (distinc) “Yes, I don’t lie to you. If you don’t believe me, you can ask him by yourself. Or, if you smarter, you can see it from his habit. He picks me up every day, lunch with me every noon. He cares to me. He never smiles to you like he does to me. He always treats me specially.” (Nina turned to the stunned surprise) “Oh, come on! Don’t act like you’re so surprise! The entire school knew this. I didn’t even tell them.”
Nina            : (still very shocked, heartbroken & disappointed) “Well, you don’t have to tell me either.”
Ms. Indi      : (still be very cold) “Yes of course, I have to tell you. If I don’t, you won’t let him alone. You will keep looking for his attention, won’t you? You’re pretty, Nina. You just need to open your eyes, than you’ll find that there are many boys who looking for your attention.”
Nina            : (paused) “Okay.”
Ms. Indi      : (smiled but still cool) “Did I speak clearly?”
Nina            : “Very clear. I can repeat it and it will be exactly the same like you did.”
Ms. Indi      : (sincere smile) “Good girl. Now you can go home. Thanks for your attention. See you.” (stepping away)
Nina            : (grumble) “Miss Indi, don’t speak to me like this is the class. You told me that you spoke as a woman, not my teacher. And just for your information, I won’t tell what you told me to anybody. I hope you glad to hear that.”
Ms. Indi      : (turned, smiled mockingly) “I didn’t hope you won’t tell anybody. Actually, I know exactly what will you do after this. You’ll run to your best friend and tell her all I have spoken. Nina, I had been in high school. I had met hundred girls like you. By the way, we, Yogi and I, have engaged about a year and a half. We will marry next year. I know you’re good girl. So you won’t break us up, will you?”
Nina            : “No!” (ran ahead of Indi)

Scene 9
                   In an empty room. There's only Lis and Nina.
Nina            : (scream) “Lis!”
Lis                : (Nina glanced lazily) “Hi.. What’s the matter? I would arrive home if you didn’t send me a SMS. Nina, you look so... mess..! What’s wrong?”
Nina            : (sit down and regulate breathing) “Miss Indi, remember, the new concealing teacher?”
Lis                : “Yes of course. We spent 2 hours with her today. You told her about your entire problem. Well, actually, your problem is just you’re falling in love with someone much older than you. But you became overwhelming and blew up your story with unreal event. Didn’t you?”
Nina            : (surprised) “No, I did. But that’s not the point. Hmm.. Did you know that Miss Indi is Mr. Yogi’s fiancée?”
Lis                : (surprised) “Really? But.. That’s not surprising, right? I mean, they are close, compatible each other. So?”
Nina            : (wide-eyed disbelief) “So, this morning, I told Miss Indi that I’m falling in love with her fiancé. Not exactly, but she knew that I spoke about Mr. Yogi”
Lis                : “Well, that’s horrible. But she must be very patient. She didn’t do anything to you. If I were her, I would talk to you to don’t disturb Mr. Yogi.”
Nina            : “And she told me exactly like you did.”
Lis                : “What?”
Nina            : “What do I suppose to do now?”
Lis                : (stunned for a moment) “Hmm.. maybe you just have to keep you promise to Ms. Indi.”
Nina            : (bowed sluggish) “Fine. I know that she will make Mr. Yogi happy. I don’t want to be selfish. And actually I don’t really like him. Mr. Yogi is much older than me, right?”
Lis                : “I appreciate what you’re doing. It will be difficult, because this is the first time you fall in love with someone.. But you’ll forget him very soon. OKAY?”
Nina            : “I hope so.”
Lis                : “Oh, don’t be so sad. I want to see you smile, friend. Smile please!”
Nina            : “Fine.” (smile) “Let’s go home..”
They both went home.

Scene 10
The next day ..
Elli               : (knocked on the door) “Excuse me, Miss. My friend said that you order her to call me. Is it true?”
Ms. Fifi       : (turned toward the door) “Hi.. Yes, Elli. I’d like to talk about your problem. When I teach you yesterday, you told me that you hate Nina very much. Is it true?”
Elli               : (sit down and regulate breathing) “Yes, but I thought we wouldn’t talk about it anymore. Because I don’t want to talk about her. She makes me sick.”
Ms. Fifi       : (smile) “Well, yesterday we didn’t have enough time to talk about it. So now I want to know, why you really hate her.”
Elli               : (wince) “Hmm.. Do you know Nina? She is in my class too. The girl who was teach by Ms. Indi yesterday. The girl who always try to be seen. The girl who always become overwhelming when anything happened. Even just a little event. ”
Ms. Fifi       : “Can you tell me, why?”
Elli               : “OKAY, but it will be long story, Miss.”
Ms. Fifi       : (smile) “No problem. It will be a pleasure if I can help your problem.”
Elli               : “Well, actually that’s your job, Miss, as a new counsellor here. Hmm.. I always smarter than her. Have a better mark, more pretty, and many more. But she always gets more attention from everyone. Of course, because she always try to get attention. Furthermore, the boy whom I love, loves her. How can I don’t hate her, Miss.”
Ms. Fifi       :  “OKAY.. So, you jealous to her. And I think you don’t have to. Because as you said, you are smart, have a good mark, pretty, and actually, you are very nice girl. I can see it since the first time we met. You are special, Elli. No one deny it.”
Elli               : “I always try to be special. More special than anyone. So no one will underestimate me. Or, to be the most special, if I can. But Nina’s existence destroys everything I had.”
Ms. Fifi       : “Oh, come on, Elli. Just because you’re not the one who get attention doesn’t mean you’re unseen. Moon doesn’t lose her glow even the stars shine with her, right?”
Elli               : (wince) “Hmm.. Yes, but it is different, Miss. I.. ”
Ms. Fifi       : “Fine, I think our conversation ends here. I want you think about what I told you. You can go now.”
Elli               : (confused) “OKAY, thank you for your advice, Miss. But I don’t really understand.”
Ms. Fifi       : (smile) “That’s why I told you to think about it.”
Elli               : “OKAY. Excuse me..”
                   Elli out of the room. It turned out that the existing front door Ronnie.
Elli               : “Hi, I don’t know you are here.”
Ronnie       : (turned to Elli) “Hi.. I have to see Ms. Fifi too.”
Elli               : “Hmm.. She wants to talk about your problem that you told her yesterday.”
Ronnie       : “OKAY.. I want to see her now. I guess she is waiting for me.”
Elli               : “Yes, please. Bye.”
Ronnie       : “Bye..”

Scene 11

                   In a room that was ..
Ms. Fifi was still sitting in place of the original
Ronnie       : (knocked at the door) “Excuse me, Miss.”
Ms. Fifi       : (turned toward the door) “Sit down please.”
Ronnie           : (still standing) “No, thank you. Elli said that you want to talk about my problem. And I think it is unneccesary. I can handle it by my self.”
Ms. Fifi       : (smile) “Really?”
Ronnie       : (stood) “Hmm..”
Ms. Fifi       : “Sit down please.”
Ronnie       : (sit down) “Okay, what should I do now? I can’t prepare by my own self.”
Ms. Fifi       : (smile) “You don’t need to. Ms. Indi and I going to make a study club. You, Edo, Elli, Nina, Desi, and Lis going to be a group. So, with this way, you will get friends to accompany you study, Nina and Elli will be closer. So they won’t jealous each other. ”
Ronnie       : “If that is the best way, I don’t mind at all.”

Scene 12
In Counselor’s room,
Elli               : (angry) “I’m so sorry, Miss. I can’t agree with that idea.”
Ms. Fifi       : (curious) “why..?”
Elli               : “I told you that I hate Nina very much.”
Ms. Fifi       : (strick) “Well, I told you to think about my words.”
Elli               : (frown) “Hmm.. Moon doesn’t lose her glow even the stars shine with her, right? ”
Ms. Fifi       : “Can you tell me the meaning?”
Elli               : “I don’t know.”
Ms. Fifi       : (smile) “I know you knew it.” (look at another students) “Any other objections?
Desi             : “Well, actually that’s a great idea. May be with that way we all can be united. I sick of all fight between us. This is last year in High School. I wont see you again guys. View months again I will be in Singapore to study in Singapore university.”
Lis                :  “Really? Me too. I will study in University of Indonesia. I won’t see you for a long time. I don’t want to have enemy. We have to remember our last year in school with sweet moment.”
Ronnie       : “That’s great idea. Finally I find friends to study with.”
Ms. Indi      : “So, everyone agree with Ms. Fifi and I, right?”
Nina            : (forced) “Hmm.. I guess I don’t have any option.”
Ms. Fifi       : “Fine, I think our conversation ends here.”
Elli               : (awkward) “All, I want to apologize to Nina of what I’ve done to her. I’ve been very rude to you for a long time.”
Nina            : (smile and shake hand with Elli) “No problem. I’m glad to have rival and friend like you.”

Scene 13
In counselor’s room, Ms. Fifi and Mr. Yogi is talking.
Ms. Fifi       : (walk to Mr. Yogi) “Sir, I hear that the students talk about a band contest.”
Mr. Yogi     : “Yes, I choose Lis, Edo, Ronnie, Nina, Elli and Desi to join that contest. But there are view students disagree with me.
Ms. Fifi       : “Those students, who disagree with you have their own reason, Sir. Soo, they will have to pass the National Examination. They don’t want to break their concentration. So, me, as their counselor just want to help them.
Mr. Yogi     : “I choose them, because I thought that they have specialist  and reputation.
Ms. Fifi       : “But don’t you think about the risk? If they have to join that contest, how about they mark? It will disappoint everyone?
Mr. Yogi Morn and quite for a little while. It seems like he become realize and want to release those students from that contest.

Scene 14
All gather in music room.
Mr. Yogi               : Students, I want to tell you that I cancel your team  to participate in that contest. So you all can be focus to pass the National Examination.
Desi & Lis            : “Horray..”
Ronnie & Edo    : (glum) “Oh no..”
Nina                      : “So, who will be participating in that contest?”
Ms. Fifi                 : “Just let your junior join that contest”

Suddenly Ms. Indi comes

Ms. Indi                : “Nina, I want to apologize of what I’ve told you.”

Mr. Yogi comes to Indi and embracing while smile.

Nina                      : “No problem, Miss. I should be realizing about that. Besides, I want to forget my feelings to Mr. Yogi because I have Edo now.” (Smile)
Edo                        : “Horray, I have a girlfriend now.”
Ronnie                 : (Hug Edo) “Congratulations, friends..”

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